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Submissions to Government / Consultations open / General advocacy on policy

The waste solutions team provide input to the NZ government on the national direction on waste. Our key advocacy areas are outlined in our Waste Management and Minimisation Plan; but we also input on submissions or provide informal input to the government on any topics that impact directly on council waste services, and indirectly on waste minimisation and management and advancing towards a circular economy. 

In 2023, the NZ Government released Te rautaki para / Waste strategy, providing direction on how the council will, by 2050, become a low-emissions, low-waste society built upon a circular economy. The next step is for the government to work with local authorities, including Auckland Council, and others to develop the first waste action and investment plan, to flesh out what’s needed to deliver the strategy.

The government has also announced changes to household recycling and food scraps collections so that materials that can be put in your recycling and food scraps bins will be the same no matter where you live. These changes will take effect on 1 February 2024


Auckland Council has consistently advocated for a mandatory container return scheme for Aotearoa New Zealand. Container return schemes incentivise people to return their empty beverage containers for recycling in exchange for a small refundable deposit (e.g., 10 or 20 cents).  They are commonly used overseas and used to operate widely in New Zealand.  A scheme could significantly increase recycling of containers, reduce litter, and shift costs of disposal and diversion away from ratepayers to producers and consumers.

In March 2023 the Prime Minister announced Government’s decision to defer work on a beverage container return scheme for Aotearoa New Zealand (NZ CRS).   Auckland Council will continue to advocate that the scheme is rolled out as outlined in our Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2018.